Our Services

What we can offer

Our SaaS solutions can be powered by major public cloud providers like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or AWS

Always striving to use modern system architecture and design, following best practices accross technology choices and workloads

Applied AI

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Computer vision

  • Generative AI using large-language models

Cloud migration

  • Solution architecture

  • Distributed systems design

  • Gradually migrate

  • Integration APIs

Cloud native app development

  • Containerize applications

  • Deploy as self-hosted or inside a managed Kubernetes cluster

  • Multi-architecture images

  • Container orchestration

Cloud management, security and governance tooling

  • Apply methodology for governance in cloud environment

  • Mitigate business risks

  • Personalized solution

  • Cost insights

The Results

There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use.

— Freeman Dyson